Alana Wood Riedel

Leader with 15+ years of experience in leading people, products and process



Led multi-disciplinary design teams across ELT Healthcare Data Platform experiences and clinical front-end applications. Stepped up at a critical time (during great walk-out trend), leading and transitioning the UX team across product lines, geographies and team management. Did this whilst providing a safe and supportive environment for designers, advancing their careers, wellbeing and re-energising the 350+ organization (during a UX Director 9 month backfill gap).

Proved Data Platform’s core technology with first US Health System Partner: clarified strategy across cross-functional leaders. Products were complex and substantial (~100 eng) spanning several major systems and products for mapping, transforming, and validating realtime healthcare data into unified healthcare records. Products developed and launched included the Data Mapper, Realtime Managed Pipelines, and a Command Center.


  • UX Design Operations Lead
  • London
  • Sep 2016–Mar 2019

Established DeepMind’s human-centered design (HCD) practice and a 12 people health UX/R function. Represented the team at board meetings.

Provided the design leadership needed to safely launch the Streams service into live clinical use with two London NHS partners, landing Alphabet’s first class 1 medical device. Took on team management, up-levelling designers, whilst growing the team’s AI design capability.

Set up human factors infrastructure, satisfying International Standards, converging best of breed product design practice, whilst surpassing the needs and expectations of users, regulators and key opinion leaders. Gained public commendation for HCD culture.


  • Product Design Lead
  • London
  • Mar 2011–Sep 2016

Led digital transformation teams across all stages of the product life-cycle across industries. Stood up first healthcare product proof-point.

Clients: Barclays Pingit, Amex, John Lewis and joint ventures like DICE (music service), Lantum (locum fulfilments) and Moodnotes (wellbeing).

Orange FT Innovation Lab

  • Senior Interaction Designer
  • London, Tokyo
  • Dec 2007–May 2011

Led Augmented Reality ethnographic project, to inform business strategy.

Launched homescreen experiences across manufacturers’ devices.


Speculative design for the future of the camera (10 year forecast).

OSIM International

  • Product Designer
  • Singapore
  • Aug 2004–Jul 2005, Jan 2007–Mar 2007

Conceptual design for the future of massage chairs.

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